Otocinclas Affinis - Stuck in Net


Mar 14, 2022
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I'm brand new to otos and when my SAE jumped out of my tank and got eaten by my dog I wanted to get a replacement that would do a similar job. Since I only have a 30 gal I obtained 3 otocinclas affinis. Checking the water from the LFS, it was at 1600+ TDS (WOW!!!!) and they were going into my tank which was at 135 TDS. So I drip acclimated for 2.5 hrs and not realizing I should have just used a cup to place them into their new home, as I know to do with bushynose plecos and cories, I netted them and ended up with one of them stuck in the net. How my brain disconnected, knowing otos are catfishes, I'll never know. I can't tell what exactly is stuck as it appears to be a mouth part. All of the fins appear to be free and clear, but it is really stuck on there. I left the net in the aquarium and set it up so the little oto would be in a comfortable and protected spot where other inhabitants shouldn't bother it. It is on top of a bushy hornwort section in the corner of the aquarium away from the airstone and filter flow. I've tried to gently pull/push the little one's head to see if I could get it released from the net, but I didn't want to stress it out considering all its been through today. Am I doing the right thing? Do you think it will get itself unstuck? I've been searching online for a good anatomy chart for the oto so I would be more informed for an educated attempt at getting the oto released from the net. I don't know which way to move it without hurting it. I'm not finding any help with their anatomy online though. For now, my fingers are crossed that nothing will be on the net tomorrow morning.
They have little hook like "hairs" covering their bodies called odontodes. Odds are these are hooked into the net. These face the rear of the fish.
Here is a macro view of otocinclus skin you can see the tiny hooks

Do you have a photo of how your fish is caught? Might be able to direct you with seeing how it's stuck
I would take my time and try to get the little guy out of the net. I have never raised otos but I have had plecos get caught in nets. I would turn the net so that the sides are away from the fish with the exception of the point of attachment. I would then try to move the loop of the net over whatever projection on the fish is snagged. This is not easy and has to be done in the water. I wouldn't leave the fish hung up because it might hurt itself trying to get away. I have cut nets off a fish as well, with smaller pieces it might be easier to untangle the fish. Fish nets are relatively inexpensive these days.

I mostly use my fish nets to herd fish into clear plastic trays now, I have had too many fish end up with torn or damaged fins.
Honest to goodness, this little one just wriggled himself free. Thank goodness!! It is resting now in the hornwort. I'm so relieved. It seems to be resting and I can see it is breathing faster than the others right now. I'm going to let it rest now.

The day before yesterday I heard a splash-like sound in the library where one of my aquariums are. I looked at the aquarium and around on the ground. I never saw anything. I heard another squishy type noise and my dog was now off of the couch and splurping something out onto the floor. I cleaned it up and didn't think much of it. But I didn't see my Siamese algae eater in the aquarium for 2 days. I really thought it jumped out and my dog got it. The aquarium is open top. Today the SAE reappeared. My goodness. Too much fish drama for me.

Thank you both for your replies and help. I was feeling pretty helpless lately. Sigh.
Honest to goodness, this little one just wriggled himself free. Thank goodness!! It is resting now in the hornwort. I'm so relieved. It seems to be resting and I can see it is breathing faster than the others right now. I'm going to let it rest now.

The day before yesterday I heard a splash-like sound in the library where one of my aquariums are. I looked at the aquarium and around on the ground. I never saw anything. I heard another squishy type noise and my dog was now off of the couch and splurping something out onto the floor. I cleaned it up and didn't think much of it. But I didn't see my Siamese algae eater in the aquarium for 2 days. I really thought it jumped out and my dog got it. The aquarium is open top. Today the SAE reappeared. My goodness. Too much fish drama for me.

Thank you both for your replies and help. I was feeling pretty helpless lately. Sigh
It's more common than you think for them to get stuck, so don't feel too bad. Many times they can wiggle out, but sometimes they need help, and it did take awhile so in this case it's good you asked even if he sorted himself out anyways.
Glad he got himself free in the end! Could have happened to any of us, so don't feel too bad.

Thank you both for your replies and help. I was feeling pretty helpless lately. Sigh.

Cyber hugs if wanted! :friends:Understandable for it to knock your confidence for a few days. Otos tend to breathe fast already, but a little heavy breathing after freeing himself from the net isn't a huge deal. Hopefully he'll calm soon as he finds the other otocinclus and settles in. :)

You had a couple of scary experiences, but both fish are fine now, you didn't do anything wrong, and I'd suggest offering yourself the compassion and kindness you would give to someone else in your situation. Try not to let it get you down for long. :)
Today marks one week and so far all three are doing well. I've been keeping an eye on their bellies and I'm not sure if I have enough algae naturally in the tank for them to graze on, so I've tried dropping in thinly sliced zucchini and the only thing that attracted was the little snails that I love. I've also dropped in small pieces of algae wafer and I haven't seen them going for that either. My SAE may have found that though.
Super glad to see a happy update here! Otocinclus can be tricky to keep at first, they're delicate for the first little while

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