Columnaris is not in every tank. I have never had it in any of my tanks at home but I have had it in shop tanks. And the tanks in the shop got the disease from fish that just came in from the importers. The shop tanks were always overstocked and the fish were always stressed from people going into them and catching fish out. Yet we only ever had problems with Columnaris when new fish came in and those fish showed symptoms in the bags. And it was just about always confined to tetras and livebearers.
As for the vet diagnosing it from pictures or videos, well, most vets don't know a lot about fish and they get a short course on fish keeping when at Uni. Unless the vet was a fish specialist, they would have been guessing. Normally they need to take samples and put them on a slide and look at them under a microscope. I use to have a couple of fish vets come into the shop to take samples for study and help us when we had unusual diseases.
White fluffy stuff on fish is fungus. Columnaris is a flesh eating bacteria that is not fluffy. The Otocinclus in this thread has white fluffy stuff that is fungus.
If I recall correctly, Deanasue's fish had white fluffy stuff sticking out of its heads and that was fungus. The fish might have bad a bacterial infection too but I was going off white fluffy.
As for the vet diagnosing it from pictures or videos, well, most vets don't know a lot about fish and they get a short course on fish keeping when at Uni. Unless the vet was a fish specialist, they would have been guessing. Normally they need to take samples and put them on a slide and look at them under a microscope. I use to have a couple of fish vets come into the shop to take samples for study and help us when we had unusual diseases.
White fluffy stuff on fish is fungus. Columnaris is a flesh eating bacteria that is not fluffy. The Otocinclus in this thread has white fluffy stuff that is fungus.
If I recall correctly, Deanasue's fish had white fluffy stuff sticking out of its heads and that was fungus. The fish might have bad a bacterial infection too but I was going off white fluffy.