Oto to Survive?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2005
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Hey, I purchased an oto on the weekend (sunday). My tank has cycled and I have 6 neons in it. My problem, or more of a worry is will it do okay?

It may be a hard question to answer but let me explain.

I have just finished treating the neons for ich, the water params tested fine and I was in no hurry to add any fish. I popped to the store and noticed they had otos. Now I've been visiting loads of stores for the past 2 months or so and have never seen any otos, I just assumed you couldn't get them in the UK.

Anyway, I picked it up, let the temperatures equalise and added him to the ank. I've read that adding water to the bad is pointless due to the vast change in water conditions. (to do it properly It could take days sort of thing)

He seems very healthly, darting from plant to plant and sucking on bogwood. However, he hasnt touch a wafer I added for him. What you recon the chances of his survival are?

I heard they are very sensitive and seen as I have been treating my tank I am pretty worried. Would he have acted oddly straight away if he didn't like it in there do you think?
He's not touching the wafers because there's plenty of natural food to go around right now since he's your only one and you've had plenty of time to let algae grow. Would you rather eat something natural or something pressed together into a wafer?

My otos have yet to touch wafers either, and rightfully so, considering i can still see algae around.
Hi..I've had about a 50% success rate with Oto's. Sadly, they have given me no warnings whatsoever before they die. I've usually found them on the substrate. What I can tell you tho', keep a fresh veggie in the tank to support him. Buy a vegetable clip and use either zucchini or even better, spinach. Freeze them..this breaks up the cell structure and softens it. Both my true flying fox and oto cling to it and love it. Oto's won't survive in a spartan tank..they need the algae. And I agree with above, I've never seen my oto's cling to a spirulina algae pellet. SH

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