Oto lawnmowers


Oct 29, 2004
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I have 5 baby otos in a 55 gall tank which has lots of live plants. At the back I have some giant vals and the otos seem to have taken a real fancy to it. They have munched big chunks out of some of the leaves, despite being fed 2/3 of a biggish alage wafer every day, along with the food for the cories and any algae in the tank very little tho). It looks like I have giant caterpillars in the tank, when you look at the chunks out of the leaves. :lol:

I did'nt know they did this. :eek: The ones in my other tank don't. Do I need to up their food? Or do they just like giant vals?
I don't profess to know alot, but 2/3 algae wafers sounds an aweful lot and a very expensive treat!

Most fish go for the tablets but feeding that amount as I'm sure along with other food, you're likely to be overfeeding. Do you have any nitrate or ammonia problems?

I've had many plants chewed by my otos but that's just the nature of the fish I'm sure - I'm sure certain plants are more appealing to their palate though!

I don't think I feed my ottos more than twice a week, they're fat little gits and are happy enough munching on algae.
I meant two thirds of a wafer, just in case there was any confusion :) - and its a disc like tablet thing I suppose. Its a newly set up tank, cloned from another one, so not much algae for them, which was why I give the tablet - they eat it every day and my water stats are spot on. At the moment there are only 2 cories in the tank with them, so not much other food really. I just did'nt expect them to munch on the plants, having never seen my other otos do that.
could be a water prob. my step bro is trieing to keep live plants in his 10gal (that he hasnt cleaned in the last ... sence spring break) an his plants are lookin kinda holy. but my plants are lookin good :p an they are the same kinda plants an about the same age. jus i clean the water alot more an. try keeping the water cleener.
Supposedly I have plant safe fish, but someone has taken a liking to a new onion plant. I can see chew marks. Maybe that's what my old otos are doing: coming out at night with the munchies for onion chips and dip. :rofl: I haven't seen them for a couple of weeks, and I've put in several new plants. And there is lots of algae. :/

(I added BN. They are taking care of the problem. :flex: )

The six new otos I just transfered in have taken up residence in a giant mother amazon next to the bubble screen. They're like a flock of mockingbirds.

Some one also likes the new wisteria. :S I suspect either the cockatoo or the clown loaches--but could be a neon I suppose. :unsure:

I haven't yet found it to be a disturbing level. But the BN are putting the otos to shame.
jollysue said:
Supposedly I have plant safe fish, but someone has taken a liking to a new onion plant. I can see chew marks. Maybe that's what my old otos are doing: coming out at night with the munchies for onion chips and dip. :rofl:

That paints a picture :rofl: :rofl: I've actually seen mine munching away at the bulb, but it was the old outer layers anyway. On the plus side, its a week later and they seem to have stopped eating big chunks out of the plants - guess my secret weapon (the cucumber) worked. :hey: And no algae!! :hyper:
Good job, Fiori. Glad someone eats cucumber.

Yes the onion munchies seem to have subsided here too. I think they get new plants, and they go on a binge. I will probably never know what's up with my original otos. I suppose they will join the flock. The otos really are much more visible and happily part of the tank personality in larger numbers. They aren't hiding out at all; there are always a few in the Amazon tree and a few more grazing around the tank in various spots.

Between the otos and the BN the tank is getting in shape and the plants are beginning to be able to take a breath without a encasment of algae armour.

I use pieces of Hikari Algae tabs regularly too for all the fish, but especially in algae free tanks with otos. I have recently started to use cucumber and peas, but it isn't a perfected strategy yet.

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