Other than Otto's

Bumble Bee Gobies work well, My Puffers Ignore them.
Otos get Ignored aswell.

Kuhlis get Munched on.
Banjo cats Get Munched on.
So Bumble Bee Gobies aren't Brackish? I saw some today. They were in the brackish section, and very tiny.

It's probably going to be a 15 gallon Tank now, Also saw that today. Have yet to find anywhere that sells actuall Dwarf puffers though :/

EDIT. So there are Fresh wwater Bumble Bee Gobies, I didn't know!
KentBlokey said:
So Bumble Bee Gobies aren't Brackish? I saw some today. They were in the brackish section, and very tiny.

It's probably going to be a 15 gallon Tank now, Also saw that today. Have yet to find anywhere that sells actuall Dwarf puffers though :/

EDIT. So there are Fresh wwater Bumble Bee Gobies, I didn't know!
Fw Have Whole Black Banding and BW have Broken banding
There are 9 species of bumblebee goby (possibly more), some brackish and some FW.

1. Brachygobius aggregatus (Philippine Bumblebee)
2. Brachygobius doriae (Doria's Bumblebee Goby)
3. Brachygobius kabiliensis
4. Brachygobius mekongensis
5. Brachygobius nunus
6. Brachygobius sabanus
7. Brachygobius sua
8. Brachygobius xanthomelas
9. Brachygobius xanthozona


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