Other Tank Mate Options For Male Betta?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 31, 2013
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As you may know, i recently got a ten gallon aquarium and am currently housing a male betta fish in it. I had four playies in with him that he got along with just fine until people told me it wasnt fit for them to live in, so i saved up, my parents let me have some money and i got a twenty gallon for them. (Yes i am cycling both tanks) my male betta is lookin pretty lonely now though, so if i could have some reccomendations? Here are some things i saw at walmart:

Neon tetras
Neon glowfish
Mini glofish
Tiger barbs
Parrot fish
Fiddler crabs

Thats pretty much it, so would any of these work?
I cant post pics of the twenty gallon though yet
Oh and there were some little cleaning up fishies too
No to all of them except snails, and bettas are never lonely they love being alone.
None if those fish (except the snails) are suitable unfortunately.
The best tank mates IMO are snails and/or shrimp.
Also, Bettas don't get lonely as they are solitary fish in the wild :)
It depends entirely on temperament of the individual Betta,

My Betta Bob (above) is currently enjoying sharing with 8, Copper Harlequin, 6, Rummy Nose Tetra, 5, Peppered Cory, 7, Black Venezuelan Cory. 5, Amano Shrimp and 11 Phoenix Rasbora.
Lovely betta Kirky! Great photo too :)

My plakat is with 6 black neons, my veiltail is on his own :)
In a 10 gallon, I do not recommend any of those fish as tank mates.  The snails are going to be the only thing that is going to work very well for you.  Bettas are solitary fish and do not feel lonely.
make it a densely planted shrimp tank and the beta as your show fish. :)
I've found it difficult to feed my Betta properly in my community tank, meaning he was a little piggy and was eating more than he should have. 
I keep my crowntail in my 10 gal with 6 pygmy corys and 3 nerite snails, but as meeresstille said my betta tends to get more bloodworms that are sinking down to the bottom for the corys than he really should.
Meeresstille said:
I've found it difficult to feed my Betta properly in my community tank, meaning he was a little piggy and was eating more than he should have. 
your post struck me so funny.....made me laugh....
Right now I have a female Betta in a 5 gallon tank. Last weekend I put a snail in with her and at first she was leaving the little critter alone, but today I have to take the snail out and put her in the 40 gallon tank because the little fire-cracker of a Betta is starting to attack the snail now. 
If you do get your Betta a tank-mate you have to have a fall-back tank ready to move them into should they not work out!
Ok good advice. When i said he was looking lonely i meant for me the tank looked a bit too empty. I am thinking of maybe just getting a few more decorations and fake plants and trying a snail a bit later
rikkitiger said:
Ok good advice. When i said he was looking lonely i meant for me the tank looked a bit too empty. I am thinking of maybe just getting a few more decorations and fake plants and trying a snail a bit later
Your Betta will love you for adding more plants and decor to play in! :) Just make sure there aren't any sharp edges on anything where his fins can get caught and damaged on!
yea, its also bad to keep em in community tanks, often times theyll in flakes and from that cause health problems.

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