Other Reasons For Pineconing Scales?

I hope you don't mind me asking but...is dropsy caused by live foods? such as bloodworms? I read somewhere that they are both related. Dropsy is such a sudden disease and not much is known about it. If you could share your fish's lifestyle - maybe other betta owners can avoid dropsy. Thank you and I'm so sorry for your loss.
I've never been able to find live food at the stores around here. My betta was in a 20g tank with 3 others. The water is about 82-84 degrees with the lights on (planted tank). I feed them Hikari micro wafers most of the time, but I give them TetraMin flakes or freeze-dried bloodworms on occasion, and peas about once a month. All of my girls have been rather chubby since I got them, but its never been a problem.

The tank does have an algae problem, but I think it is a lack of CO2 for the plants, as algae growth has slowed since I added it. I change 40-60% of the water every 7-9 days, and clean the filter about once a month. It is fully cycled and has been since before I added fish.
Well one thing's for sure, your a great fish owner and your fish had an AWESOME life :good: . I guess the mysterious disease randomly hits fish then. Once again sorry for your loss :(

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