Other Reasons For Pineconing Scales?


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Apr 24, 2007
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One of my girls has recently fallen ill. I first noticed a bit of swelling on Saturday, but my girls have always been fat, so I thought nothing of it. By Monday, she started pineconing, hiding, and swimming funny, so I assumed it was dropsy and put her in quarantine and started treating with maracyn. After I put her in quarantine she started acting normal again. She eats and begs for food as usual (although she has trouble swinging that gut around while eating), swims around alot, and doesn't seem to be in much pain.

She is bloated (in the stomach area) and pineconed, has frayed fins, and a red mark has appeared right behind her head. Her poop is also the normal color (I've been told that it will be white/grey if its dropsy). Is there any other reason/disease that can cause pineconing of the scales?

I would definatrely say its dropsy and i would use some epsom salts to help releive the swelling. Not sure why her fins are so tatty tho, never seen that with dropsey before but it is possible as dropsey is only a symptom of some thing else
Epsom salts? Should I just use whatever is in the pharmacy section, or is there a special type that I would find at the pet store? Should I add it directly to the tank, or use a salt bath?

She seems to be just as hungry as usual, should I feed her as much as I usually do?
just normal epsom salts for people will do, i use boots own brand stuff. You add it to her tank at 20mg per ltr. Give her regular water changes and each time you add fresh water add just a little more.

Sadly if it is dropsy then it could be you are going to loose her as it is rare for them to come back from it at this stage but keep you hopes up coz it has happened. From personnal experience i have had 2 girls get it, one dies and the other is still alive and looks better

good luck with it and keep us updated
Thanks. I'll pick up some salt tonight.

I think she'll make it. She's still acting normal, and her condition hasn't gotten any worse since Tuesday.

The Maracyn says to treat on days 1,3, and 5. Should I stop after that, or keep going?
With epsom salt I start with 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons, increasing by a teaspoon daily for a couple of days to bring it up to 3 teaspoons per 10 gallons. Epsom salt increases water hardness, not something you want to increase too quickly.

Maracyn is erythromycin, when I treat with e-mycin I med daily with a daily water change of at least 50%. I med for 10 days, the same as for any other animal, or for a human, bad cases go for 14 days.
Should I measure hardness as I go? My water is already above 20 GH from the tap. Perhaps I should mix 50/50 with distilled while I'm treating with salt?
I would use the tap water, you want that increase in hardness, the difference in osmotic pressure helps to draw out fluids.
Well, I've been treating with Maracyn and Maracyn 2, as well as epsom salts for a week now. The bloating got a little worse and then stopped, and her fins appear to be growing back, but she hasn't eaten for a few days. She acts excited when I bring the food over, but just looks at what I drop in and stares at me like she wants something else. I've tried peas and flakes.

Any ideas?
Ugh.. she looks just like my Marius did when he developed dropsy.
He bloated and then the pineconing occured.
It's such a terrible thing to look at b/c it looks like they're in so much pain.

I really don't have any advice that hasn't already been given.
I really do hope she pulls through. Poor girl.
I hate to say it, but I don't think she's going to make it. I really don't understand what happened - she looked fine before I left for work. She hasn't moved for hours except to breathe, is turning white, and the bloating has gotten worse. She's also tipping to the side a lot. Its unbearable to watch, but I don't want to just leave her there to suffer. I've heard that clove oil is a painless way to euthanize fish, but I really don't know if I'd feel comfortable doing that. Is there anything I should be aware of if I take this route?

Thanks for all the advice. At least I will know what to do next time, so maybe faster treatment can save the next one...
Dropsy is a tough one to treat, it usually indicated a bacterial problem causing internal organs to shut down. From my experiences treating with epsom salt & antibiotics the survival rate is about 50%.
I'm really confused now. Shortly after posting, she started acting different. She will sit in one place, breathe for a while, tip sideways, and then breathe again and swim around for a minute. I'd assume this is her struggling to get enough air?
They're air breathers who need to go to the surface so probably not. Maybe you cou ld put in a little fake plant or something that wouldn't be toxic so she can get to the surface.. and/or take the water level down in her bowl. Good luck with her! If she doesn't make it, then you know you've done your very best to help her. I sob like a little kid when I lose one so know how you feel. I'm keeping everything I have two of crossed for her. Keep us informed please!
She died shortly after my last post. I could tell she wouldn't make it much more than an hour, tops, so I covered the tank with a towel, shut off the lights and filter, and went outside to change my oil (I fix stuff when I'm stressed out). I'll have to pick a spot in the yard for her tonight.

Thanks again for the help.

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