Oscars Around Heater


New Member
May 19, 2008
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Hertfordshire, UK
The last day or so my 2 oscars have been huddling around the heater. The tank temp is 24 and they have been fine. They do seem a little sluggish today and dont seem to want to do anything.

Should I just turn the heat up a little or could something else be wrong?
24 is a little cold. If you can keep it around 25 to 26, this is a little better and usually what I like to keep my freshwater tank at. also... what size is your tank and what is the wattage of your heater?

If your heater is underpowered for the water volume, then it may be 24 at your heater, but colder at other spots of the tank due to a heat gradient in the tank water
yes, they must def be feeling the cold as mine do this after a water change, and for this reason i added a second heater, they can tolerate heat of up to 80, tho i would stick with about 76.
i would recommend adding a second heater, i assume you have a large tank for them,and there can be cold spots in there :)
shelagh xxx
i would recommend adding a second heater, i assume you have a large tank for them,and there can be cold spots in there :)

This is the reason I prefer my external heater. The water is heated as it returns to the tank from the filter. With the flow rate, it is impossible for the water to loose temperature. :good:
thanks, i have added a second heater and they seemed happier. I think the old heater was on its way out as it has now stopped working. I have bought a new, bigger wattage heater and they are looking soo much happier. I have also bought a new thermometer as i think the other one wasn't very reliable, and being an internal one it is only a matter of time before the oscars start to 'play' with it!!
and being an internal one it is only a matter of time before the oscars start to 'play' with it!!

you can say that again lol,if i were you i would hide it from them :rolleyes:
im so glad they are happier now, they do tend to be a bit moody to say the least if things arent "just so"
Yes its well hidden - in another tank!!
Just but them a new bubble wall in so no doubt they will be sulky today. The severum seems to be the moodiest one, as he/she looses all colour when i'm messing around in the tank!

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