oscars and?????

i love cichlids

Fish Fanatic
Jan 8, 2003
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hi i have just recently joind this forum but ive had fish for years.
Ne way i was just wondering im getting a 4ft tank and i already have two red oscars(4inch) and i was wondering if Salmon Catfish would be ok with them??? Also would i be able to have convicts with them???
please help me with any suggestions welcome!!!
thanks. :D :D :D :D :D
thanks, but ill see how big they get to in the first six months and then ill ask again.
:D :D :D
Remember oscars can attain an adult size of 16" or more and I would not base my decision on their growth in 6 months time.

Unless you plan to stunt them they can reach a very large size in a 4ft tank by means of good water quality, filtration and diet.

As for keping convicts with them...IMO...not a good idea.

Good luck and keep us posted!!


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