Oscars and Ping Pong Balls?

I think he means that he wants a ping-pong ball for the oscar to...interact with :) I have not had experience, but it won't hurt to try as long as the oscar can't fit it in his/her mouth :eek: :D
Basically you just throw it into the tank. My oscar thought it was food the first day, and has ignored it ever since. Some people claim to have great luck getting the oscar to play with them. just not me.

I had two Oscars and just left a floating ping pong ball in their tank, at first they stayed clear and then after a few days they used to mess about with it all the time, not sure if they were playing but never seemed to bother them that it was in there other than when they wanted to play and they seemed to look like they were enjoying it rather than trying to attack it.

Great fish, oh how I miss my oscars :(
hey man yeah I do the ping pong ball thing my midas and JD both have a blast with it. all I did was start with some small drill bits and turned them by hand and worked my way up to about a half an inch put a couple of them in there and then sunk the ball. yes it does really work my midas when he isn't moving gravel around eating or flaring at the Cr. Frenata he is playing with the darn ball the rest of the day.
I put a couple of ping pong balls in my tank with my oscars, and they were scared of them at first, and then after a couple of days they just ignored them.
MWM yes he does when the mood strikes him he likes to rearrange his tank for me and so he starts with the plants and always ends up playing with the ping pong ball espcially when I put it in his cave.
this has proven that fish have different personalities :nod:

at my lfs they let me put ping pong balls in the oscar tanks and they always play around with them. just personality i guess -_-

Juan im going to be a ball breaker mate but can you post a pic on how you poked holes in the ping pong ball lol thanks bro :)

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