I have no O's (yes Oscars) at the minute CM

- I've been saving for the big tank before I got any - and reading up on them feverishly. I'm going to get 6 tiger O's and let them pair up (hopefully) - I have an arrangement with the lfs to take back the extra four as I only want to keep 2.
I'm waiting on an extension to the house to be built

(by end of June) and will then set the tank up - give it time to cycle, etc, go on holiday B) and then in August introduce the O's to the tank.
I just need to get one more cannister filter and some substrata (sic). Have had bogwood soaking for a month now to clean it properly.
I am SOOOOOO excited - so are the wife and kids!!!!!
On the subject of substrata

- I'm inclined towards large black pebbles (smooth) - am bored with gravel and think they will be easier to keep clean than sand. Any opinions?

Gonna have the bogwood and a couple of red rocks in there as well to show off the reds in the Tigers. This sound ok?
One last question. When I went to Nottingham recently - I nipped into Wharf Aquatics (highly recommended!!!!) - they had a blue light chiclid tank set up. It looked beautiful. How do O's fare under blue light? I was contemplating fitting one for evening "viewing".