

May 18, 2003
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Canada, Ontario
Hello everyone, I never post here but I decided to. I was just wondering should Oscars be in pairs or are they ok alone?
They work good alone and in a community. It all depends on the size of your tank, and just as important, your filtration.

What are the specs of your tank and what filtration do you have?
Please understand this.................

They work alright in a community of other large non to medium aggressive cichlids!!!

For this you will need a large tank....IMO at least a 125 gallon!!

IMO/experience it takes 40-50 gallons of water per adult oscar and massive amounts of filtration to keep oscars healthy and happy.

Keep in mind....oscars are very prone to HITH disease and there fore excellant water quality is a must!!

water changes on the average of 30-50% weekly are the norm, but 50% bi-weekly are even better.

I am currently growing out 7 gold oscars in hopes of attaining a breeding pair. These 7 fish along with 9 firemouths are growing out in a 120 gallon tank right now.

The firemouths average 3-3.5" each and the oscars were 3-3.5" when first placed in the tank, but are now over 4.5" and growing like weeds.

By next month the 7 oscars will be place in a 180 gallon tank to finish growing and hopefully pair off.

Once I have a pair, the other 5 will be put up for sale!!

I figure I will addin my 2 cents. I, not to long ago, owned 2 oscars. I started out with just one in a 55g and a few other fish. But after a few months I wanted to get another one. By this time the one that I had was a pretty decent size. So I bought another one that was only about 3 inches. They got along great for the first couple of months even though one was about triple the size of the other. The after they started to get closer in size they started to fight a lot. So I ended up having to give one back to the pet store.

So with this said remember to research the fish before you put them in an aquarium. Make sure they will not outgrow your aquarium and make sure that they work together. Oscars are a lot of work and are very messy fish. You have to clean your aquarium very frequently to keep them happy. Also like everyone else has said watch out for HITH. They get that very easily.


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