He's starting to move about a bit more now. I put most of the wood at the back and the castle, so he has more swimming room. He now moves about but is starting to attack the plant. I think this is because it is where he used to hide and dig gravel, so he thinks, "Hey, what's this thing doing in my space."
My oscar is now swimming about the tank normally. He has taken to flaring his mouth at the glass and keeps going up to it. He flares his mouth at a lot of things, the wood, the plant, me. Anyway, he's getting on fine and still hasn't eaten all the tetras. I'm going to get him a friend soon but don't know when would be the best time to get one. I will probably get a pleco or pictus cats.
One thing is now I really know how messy these thingsare. I fed him some food yesterday and most of it came back out his gills. The tetras got some of his leftovers.