Oscar Tank Size, Compatability And Eating Habbits

I actually think it's worthy of pinning.... If all the Oscar manics (in a good way) agree with it. I would suggest rust for you to not use the picture that are there currently, best to use pics from people on this site, with permission of course, so you face no crimes in any way with the copyrighted pics. Best to be more detailed too, but you realized that by the angry shelaghfishface. I do agree they are pretty hardy, but they are fish and all fish do deserve good water conditions unless the fish thrive better in crummy water (which is no fish I can think of, so no fish at all I assume). Good read, and this is a better way to control all the O questions.
Sorry, I don't think it is pinworthy yet. I also don't think that the Oscar questions need 'controlling'!

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