Oscar Looking For A New Home

come on love, where's your feminine whiles?? :hey: :D
i could offer him a permanent home,i have 1 oscar and a lrg catfish and 2 pictus,i have posted pics of my set up on newbies,i live in stockport is that to far :good:
hi sarah, just browsing your profile and your posts

i really don't think it would be wise for him to go in with your 5" oscar, oscar's don't do well in pairs unless they are proven breeding pairs, you can't just put 2 together and expect them to get on (unfortunately).

if you want to keep more than 1 together as adults you need a minimum of 6 and for that you're going to need a significantly bigger tank than the one you have.

so sorry for the time being i don't think it's suitable for him. thanks for the offer though.
Your oscar is lovely... I will happily turn my 48 x 20 x 18 community tank over to him if you still need a home. I love oscars. I had one as a pet when i was younger and have such a soft spot for them. And I promise he would get the bestest of everything.

I live in norwich but would be prepared to pay you petrol money to deliver it....

I would would need a week or so to rehome the fish in my tank, and change the susbstrate but he'd have plenty of space and decent, mature filteration. He'd share his tank with my plec.

I've fallen in love with the pics.

awwww bless you Jamie!

I've replied to your pm :)

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