Oscar Compatability

Bob marley

New Member
Jul 21, 2009
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hi my sister asked me last night if she could have a fish in my cichlid tank and i said yes. so i wanted to know is another Oscar a good idea. fish i have already 1 Oscar 1 JD 1 tex 1 bala shark and 1 bristlenose. there all around 5 cm except for the bala shark who is 10 cm but they are in a 45' 18' 18 atm getting a 72' 24' 24'
as of now, no it will never work in that tank, nor with your current setup. but in a 6x2x2 i think it could work. Although it Always depends on the individual fish, so, many times it is trial and error, but people have had much worse in a 6x2x2 with success. Although bala's like to be in groups, and eventually the BN may be in danger as they don't get very big. Oh and remember, very messy fish. And if you are going to have a problem, will most likely be the texas.
just my two penneth

i have

Tank Massive

1 x Gold Severum
2 x Tiger Oscars
2 x Convict cichlids
1 x Spotted Raphael Catfish
1 x Striped Raphael Catfish
1 x Synodontis Catfish
4 x Bristle Nose Plecos
1 x male and 1 x female Silver Dollars
2 x Ramshorn Shell Snails
2 x Freshwater Clams

All in all quite peacefull oscars have there disagreements normally ending up in it been taken out on silver dollars
hi my sister asked me last night if she could have a fish in my cichlid tank and i said yes. so i wanted to know is another Oscar a good idea. fish i have already 1 Oscar 1 JD 1 tex 1 bala shark and 1 bristlenose. there all around 5 cm except for the bala shark who is 10 cm but they are in a 45' 18' 18 atm getting a 72' 24' 24'

As said before, it would be best if you wait until the new tank arrives, I know from experience that it only take one wrong move for a fish to end up dead. Even if the upgrade is only a month off, there is still plenty of time for the JD or Tex to decide they want to cause mayhem.

A colleague of mine recently added an medium sized Oscar to his tank (which i should add is also 48x18x18) The only fish in the tank prior to this was a juvi Jack Dempsey and a juvi Blue Acara, But about 5 days after adding the Oscar, the Jack Dempsey suddenly turned on it, and killed it.

In short a 4 foot tank doesn't have enough room for many territories for larger cichlids, even when they are still young.

Also in response to the above post, I'm always skeptical when someone says "tank massive" but doesn't say the actual size
Also in response to the above post, I'm always skeptical when someone says "tank massive" but doesn't say the actual size

75 inch x 30 inch x 30 inch so how many gals guys

Also in response to the above post, I'm always skeptical when someone says "tank massive" but doesn't say the actual size

75 inch x 30 inch x 30 inch so how many gals guys

it should be aroung 200 gal uk

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