Fish Fanatic
Sorry for the slow response, been away for a few days. It is normal for the Ammonia levels to fluctuate before & after water changes, basically as the Oscars are eating they are therefore generating waste (poop / missed food rotting etc) this is Ammonia. Over a period (even short) this amount rises which gives you your higher Ammonia reading, as Ammonia is toxic to fish you are removing / diluting it with the water changes therefore the drop.
Secondly Oscars are big fish & messy eaters to boot so they will generate a larger amount of waste therefore ammonia than the smaller fish which people would normally use for cycling.
The milkiness could remain for a couple of weeks so unfortunately you just have to bear with it.
And as for the questions, keep on asking, no problems, that's why it's such a great community, people do enjoy offering advice and helping out.....

Sorry for the slow response, been away for a few days. It is normal for the Ammonia levels to fluctuate before & after water changes, basically as the Oscars are eating they are therefore generating waste (poop / missed food rotting etc) this is Ammonia. Over a period (even short) this amount rises which gives you your higher Ammonia reading, as Ammonia is toxic to fish you are removing / diluting it with the water changes therefore the drop.
Secondly Oscars are big fish & messy eaters to boot so they will generate a larger amount of waste therefore ammonia than the smaller fish which people would normally use for cycling.
The milkiness could remain for a couple of weeks so unfortunately you just have to bear with it.
And as for the questions, keep on asking, no problems, that's why it's such a great community, people do enjoy offering advice and helping out.....