Oriental Fire Bellied Toads

How many are you wanting?
Are you wanting anything else in the tank?

Bare minimum would be something like a 20long IMO. To get a nice setup going would be much easier in a 40long or a 55.

Here is the 55 I had mine in, along with fire belly newts, Eastern newts, and fish. I didn't but could have had treefrogs, small lizards (anoles, small geckos, etc.). I used the discontinued Tetra Viquarium kit.
I dont know yet how many or if i want anything else in.
I do like japanese fire bellied newts to :/
I take it you mean inches long?
I mean the long version of a 20 and 40 gallon tank (both come in multiple shapes).
Ah right thanx, how much are they in Litres? i have no idea about gallons :unsure:
Gallons are roughly 4 liters, so 10 gallons is about 40 liters. It is not exact some there is some variation, but this is the easiest way and generally accurate.

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