I have both, as I previously needed both. But these are good antibiotics to have on hand, as most fish will not have issues with their use. And by comparison, these are both much less expensive.
Metronidazole (the Metroplex) is a good treatment for internal protozoan such as parasites, and is best (= most effective) mixed in with food and taken internally; I would not use this as my first choice with external parasites like ich or velvet, notwithstanding Seachem's claim, but internal protozoan are common these days and it is next to impossible to know specifically what it is without dissection by a microbiologist. I have twice cured the "unknown" (fish were dying with no external signs) with metronidazole.
I have no idea as to shelf life. But I have used Metronidazole that was 2 years old and it was effective, at least it did the job.