Order Of Livestock

Just goes to prove you don't always need a metal halide lighting system. I feel inspired even more now so thanks. Just to check could you identify these growths in my tank. I believed they are hair algae and diatomic algae which together give this kind of brown coloured mass.
Has anyone used river shrimps to get their nano going, I was alarmed at how fast the algae was consuming the tank so I though river shrimps may be able to help. They have a furious appetite, really motoring through the algae!! You can watch the algae as it passes into their stomach, they are fascinating little guys. Also just thought I would ask; I have a number of gas bubbles across my algae covered rocks, any ideas. I thought it might be related to algae respiration or something but not sure hence asking.



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Checked to see how the shrimp are going with the algae and they are doing a great job!! While it looks relatively unchanged there are obvious little bare patches where algae was growing. I am impressed with them half a days eating and they are already depleting the algae stocks. Also if anyone could get back about the other questions that would be much appreciated.

Sorry my ignorance, but what are those "river shrimps"?

A liitle Web search reveiled only some guys living in rivers and lakes, breeding or developing as hatchlings in brackish water. I presume those guy won't do long in full strength sea water.
You are right!! They normally live in rivers i.e freshwater systems but I am going to remove them after a week or until the nitrogen levels are zero (depends on how I am feeling). They are functioning mainly to keep the algae in check while my filter cycles and they also produce a tiny amount of waste (I known it is probably neglegible but it all helps). I am dosing the filters with stability (a bacterial broth) which worked wonders for my freshwater filter. And yes it is compatible with marine systems. The shrimps were clear yesterday but now their gut is outlined but all the algae they have eaten. My LFS uses them to kick start the filters and control the algae in their tanks so I thought it wouldn't hurt to try.

My tank SG is 1.024 and I was kinda trially how long they live for. They will be moved today to a freshwater tank since my tank has finished cycled. Hooray :hyper: !!!! Tomorrow I will move in my clean up crew and maybe a firefish. Incidently they are still really 'munching' up the algae and extremely active, even the one who loss his left legs in a battle.

Sorry my ignorance, but what are those "river shrimps"?

A liitle Web search reveiled only some guys living in rivers and lakes, breeding or developing as hatchlings in brackish water. I presume those guy won't do long in full strength sea water.
It depends on what country. The river shrimp I have are very brackish and tend to breed in half strength or above sea water. I keep mine in SW far longer than FW, and I have some that have lived for ages in SW.
Andy, how do river shrimp get on with skunk cleaner shrimp? I was actually tempted to keep them in there for a while longer but I don't want my skunk cleaner to be obliterated by the river shrimp. You are aware that there is a considerable different in price; 95p for 10 river shrimp Vs £14.50 for a single skunk cleaner shrimp!! They are so active and cleaning the tank up a treat seems a shame to have to remove them unnecessarily. Also my freshwater tanks are pretty much devoid of any algae so I don't know where to put them; well they can only go in my community tank since the other contains a two species of puffer :crazy: .

I have had no issues with any river shrimp that get into the reef tank. Though at 95p for 10 I can't help but think you are getting robbed. I pay 60p for a portion with a good 20, if not more. I know that one portion lets me feed 3 frogfish to the point where they are so full they stop eating, and that is a lot of food. Unless you put loads of river shrimp in a tank to the point they can out comp[ete the cleaner shrimp then you should be fine.

Those bought in the UK tend to do very poorly in FW, most likely because many lfs will keep them in brackish to marine conditions, so dumping them in FW is quite a shock to their osmoregulatory system. For long term survival you will be looking at drip acclimatising the shrimp into FW, though if you put enough in, on or two will survive IME.

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