Orca Tl 450

is it also possible to introduce them as juviniles? ive read that as you said the most dominant one becomes a female and then th less dominant becomes a female.

thanks for the link by the way.

i though gobies were bottom dwellers and cave dwellers. when i had one before he established a cave and only really stayed in the lower areas
Yeah if you can get them small enough they "should" all be males (or unsexed, though I think they ALL start as males).

Yeah most gobies should stay in and around the rocks/bottom which is why they will be better with the clowns than the cardinal. No problem on the link, would probably be worth looking on there for the tank as well.
Yeah doesnt seem to bad. I cant remeber how much I paid for mine, think it was about £150 with nothing extra included (other than the stand). One thing I would recommend is getting a refractometer (easier to use imo then a hydrometer) and a decent test kit (ammonia, ph, nitrite and nitrate. Phosphate may be useful but not essential and the rest you can ignore if you arent going overboard on corals).
not fussed about corals the only corals ill be having are the ones if any that come on the rock ill post you the list of what im planning on oredering although prices are wrong.

i want to stick with a hydrometer for the moment until i have my tank uo and running

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