Orca Tl-450 Stocking

Ian H

Fish Herder
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
South Wales, UK
Getting next month (well, payday :lol: ) and just wondering what i could stock it with?

im HOPING i can have:

2 clowns
1 fireshrimp
1 yellow watchman goby
1 or 2 hermit crabs? and maybe a boxer crab?

i have no idea on if thats over or under stocked though! so can anyone tell me?
As I'm unfamiliar with those, how many gallons/liters is that tank?
14g (uk) 58L :)

I had two perc. clowns in mine and they did ok until one of them got eaten by a crab...

IMO its right on the boarder of being big enough for a pair of clowns. I got a pair for mine because they where very small and I did have another home lined up for them when they got to full size if i thought the tank was too small. I do know people who are keeping full grown clowns in these tanks though and they look healthy enough to me.

In my opinion the stocking you have suggested looks fine. Might want to skip the boxer crab as I have seen mixed reports on how reef friendly they are. Also although I love hermit crabs i think snails are probably more useful and in my experience at least the two don't work well together (at least in such a mall tank).

One other thing I would suggest as well is not getting as much live rock as you want right at the start. I got most of my live rock before getting anything else and since then have seen a lot of corals that I would have liked but couldn't keep because they where on large bits of rock.

In mine at the moment I have:
1 Perc Clown
1 Red firefish
1 fireshrimp
3 peppermint shrimp
2 blue legged hermits
1 orange legged hermit

They all get on ok and while I do have a 10g fuge attached to the system I'm pretty sure they would still be ok with the tank as standard (make sure you have good water flow and do regular water changes).

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