Orca 450 Nano Aquarium - Tropical Set Up


New Member
Apr 29, 2012
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hello all, i have just recently got a orca 450 nano tank and i was wondering what fish i could have, i am planning on having a tropical set up and i am going to put in some bogwood and live plants, anyhelp would be much appreciated. Thanks Ryan :)
Hi Ryan, :hi: to the forum.

First of all, I'd recommend you have a read of some of the articles in our 'beginner's resource centre' (the link is in my sig); especially the ones on 'cycling'.

Then we need to know whether your local water is hard or soft before we can start recommending fish species for you :good:
Hi Ryan, :hi: to the forum.

First of all, I'd recommend you have a read of some of the articles in our 'beginner's resource centre' (the link is in my sig); especially the ones on 'cycling'.

Then we need to know whether your local water is hard or soft before we can start recommending fish species for you :good:

Yup sure, i have just finished my cycle, haha talk about good timing, at the moment the tempreture is 26oC
Oh, ok, lol, good start :D

So, how hard or soft is your water? And the pH?
Have you tested the tap water at all; for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate?
Hi mate you say you've just finished cycling but how would you do that with no test kit ?

Or did you add bottled stuff ?

Also I had this tank as my first marine tank does yours have the skimmer in if so kinda pointless in freshwater so I'd take it out and store it but a very nice tank and a nice size too :good:


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