I believe they lose colour and definition in their spots as they mature (that is heresay as I don't have personal experience of watching them grow up).
It still doesn't get to the bottom of quite which species this is but it is an Ancistrus. I think it can be treated just the same as normal (sp3) BN and I think they get to the same size give or take. I think when I have finished my uni degree I should start a huge project of finding and defining the entire loricariidae family. What a life's work that would be.
It still doesn't get to the bottom of quite which species this is but it is an Ancistrus. I think it can be treated just the same as normal (sp3) BN and I think they get to the same size give or take. I think when I have finished my uni degree I should start a huge project of finding and defining the entire loricariidae family. What a life's work that would be.