Orange Dwarf Crayfish


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2013
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I would like to purchase a CPO or an Orange Dwarf Crayfish. The only thing stopping me at the moment is not knowing what exactly is compatible with them. I have read that they can go with neon, danios, guppies and that sort of smaller fish but I don't know if they would be compatible with a clown pleco or peppered cory.
Ideally, I'd want to put them in my 29 which is a community tank because I think my 10 gallon is stocked fully and too small for a crayfish.
If anyone has ever kept these or knows anything about them, I'd be very interested in hearing what you have to say.
I had one in my cherry shrimp 10gl tank. It was established and the water parameters were fine but the little guy only lasted about 2 months. He didn't molt the entire time so I think there was an element that it needed that was lacking in the tank. I don't know what it was though. The shrimp do fine in that tank.
From my research that I can remember they are fine with any fish that won't eat them. So corys and small plecos would be fine. Also make sure there are places for him to hide. I would love to get another one but until I know what killed the first one I am hesitant to get one again. I do remember there wasn't much info that I could find.
stanleo said:
I had one in my cherry shrimp 10gl tank. It was established and the water parameters were fine but the little guy only lasted about 2 months. He didn't molt the entire time so I think there was an element that it needed that was lacking in the tank. I don't know what it was though. The shrimp do fine in that tank.
From my research that I can remember they are fine with any fish that won't eat them. So corys and small plecos would be fine. Also make sure there are places for him to hide. I would love to get another one but until I know what killed the first one I am hesitant to get one again. I do remember there wasn't much info that I could find.
thanks alot, that's good to hear considering I have cherries in this particular tank. I especially bought a terracotta pot for one and I have two other hiding places/houses.
Its still a crayfish albeit a tiny one but it will go after things it thinks it can get.  Shouldn't be a problem with most of your fish as long as they are healthy.  It would probly try to pick off any sick or weak fish.  The only fish I'm hesitant about would be the corys cause they are small and bottom dwellers so they would constantly be in reach.  If he is a fast and alert guy it may be able to work just something's to watch out for
I have had them and they don't bother fish unless they are sick or dying on the bottom.  If you have copper pipe, it is worth having the water tested.  If you feed your crayfish snails they will get calcium from the shells.  That is typically the problem with these guys.  Additionally, don't over feed on high protien foods and they grow faster than they can produce a new exoskeliton 
I'll make sure to watch for any strange behaviour, I have many ramshorns and malaysian trumpets in this tank so I got that covered

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