Orange Chromides


Fish Fanatic
Aug 12, 2010
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Just got some orange chromides on Thursday. They seem to be feeding well, very eager to eat anything and they already know my feeding signal (I tap on the lid). They keep mainly to the bottom but are still very skittish when approaching the tank. When I feed them they hide behind a plant and dash out as soon as the food hits the water. My question is, is this skittish behavior normal for them or maybe they just need denser planting to feel more secure? thanks!
Yes, can be skittish, especially if the tank is open or you have a bright substrate. Floating plants very helpful, as are dither fish.

Cheers, Neale
thanks, I was thinking of getting some floating plants anyway next time I go to the pet shop.
My chromides, while I wouldn't say they're skittish, definitely tend to stay near the bottom of the tank. They dart in and out of the flower pots I have in there with them, only swimming in the open when the are being fed.

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