WC minnows do fine without a heater so dont worrry about getting one
sorry you're going to have to get rid off the goldies
another idea would be
take the 2 goldies back or sell them then to temo house the oranda until you get a bigger tank then
to get another filter cos the stingray 10 only does a limit of 50 litre tank which is ok for a light bioload - i like stingrays got 3 of them lol
run the filter in the tank with the stingray for 4 weeks until its cycled then remove the stingray
or dont get a new filter and get the 6-8 ec minnows some amano shrimp and an apple snail - all can go in a coldwater tank
cheers Sarah xx
Thank you Sarah, I think we'll probably go with the WC Minnows and maybe some shrimp and a snail, my daughter likes the thought of that! How many minnows would be happy in a 60 litre (well, it's probably more like 54 after substrate and plants, isn't it?)
We really won't have room to keep a bigger tank upstairs and they are her fish, nor do we have any more room for a big tank downstairs, the two we have are full and the only other we may buy when we have saved (not for a while I imagine) will be a corner tank for 3 angels and 6 rainbows, but that is way in the future.
I spent all last night worrying about the goldfish and the oranda, tested the water again today, still a smidge of ammonia and also a smidge of nitrites today. I'll carry on with the water changes, but my husband said enough is enough, we'll take them to the LFS at the weekend, after he found me worrying over them at 5 in the morning!
Wish i could afford a bigger pond in the garden to take the goldies, then I would try and hang on til the spring for them to go out there, but can't afford that either and am no good at laying liner etc myself, never mind the digging!
Hope you're feeling a little better/
Karen x