Options For A 60L?

no clown gobys are not shrimp gobys oh, i mean would they be fine together, they are howver well cool :), yellow headed jawfish? (if you have a lid) i do have a lid, but i dont really want too many that dig

What about a Royal Gramma? Make sure you have plenty of caves!

i will be having one in my 125l, so im looking for fish that wont be in there
oh clown gobys and shrimp gobys will be fine together.
LOL you have obviously never seen an angry jawfish go at a yellowatchman goby and out it from its hole shrimp and all.
Oh I was just going off of live aquaria I did make me wonder why they are called JAW fish lol.
:) they are called jawfish because they mouthbrood, the problem with alot of sites is that they cover there own bums by putting slightly dodgy facts up. there is a very good phrase in our hobby which is blame the deed not the breed. all fish have different behaviours, seffies clowns bite like triggers where as mine nuzzle my hand when its in tank.

the slaty side as a hobby is always evolving and we are always finding ways to make things work, having a hard barrier in tank (like a chunk of rock) to create two 'bays' of sand was how i got my jawfish and goby to co-exist in the end. sadly my jawfish went carpet surfing in the end which is why you need a good tight lid.
my middle name is risky! Lord risky sorgonian!
some of the smaller cardinals would work like a longspine or orange line and most blennies would be ok.
not really my taste

gosh never thought it would be so hard to choose :lol:
:) tby if it was me i would stick to gobies, maybe a rainfordi or a hectors? look in my newest jounal for hectors pics.

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