Oppurtunity For A Little Experiment Has Arisen

What is confusing is you should have had a large colony there any way... Either way your filter will be kept going for your discus...
This cycle is only about 85 days old and is based on a light stocking Chris. I never expect a mature filter to be up to the levels that we initially dose up to. I just started a fishless cycle on 5 filters in a 29 gallon tank today. I dosed to 5 ppm of ammonia after washing out my Fluval 4+ in the tank. It was so dirty when I started the cycle that I could not see the back of the tank. I expect to place those filters into use this Thursday when I make the trip to the ALA convention with those filters in little 10 gallon lightly stocked tanks. When I maintain a filter between stockings, I usually go for an ammonia addition equivalent to about 3 ppm daily. I find that by the time I want to add in fish, the ammonia and nitrite are again processing that amount easily. The end result is that the fish do not cause a blip in the ammonia or nitrite levels in their water. More often, the bacteria are really dying back to the levels needed for the new stock. I will try to remember to come back tomorrow and show my readings for ammonia in my cloning tank.
The total stock that all 5 filters will be asked to handle is no more than I would gladly add to a 29 gallon tank so the shared cycle among my filters is expected to be fine for all 4 tanks that are presently dry. They will be pressed into service on Thursday evening, ready or not. I will be taking fish with me to the convention and these filters will be their lifeline in the motel room. That means that I will be testing the tank water in my room and doing water changes as needed to keep their poisons levels acceptable. I also expect to be entering the fish show and will use one of the filters in my show tank.

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