and the ones about stupid tanks may open peoples eyes or just give a topic to discuss.
In an ideal world maybe...but that isn't why people post them on here or why people comment in the threads. Invariably it's just so people can feel like they're better than the next passing judgement about someone else and how they do things. It serves no real purpose other than to make those who who pass judgement feel like experts.
Speak for yourself Darkstar, but do not presume you know what i, or anybody else is thinking. Isn't that just passing judgement?
If someone was to start selling, lets say tanks marketed for Cories, that were 10x10x10 inches would the cory lovers just ignore it?
And there are people that have shouted off on this thread who have previously posted on the very threads they are moaning about, so you cant have it both ways?
In answer to why people put pictures of their new bettas up, here is the answer -
If you buy a Neon, you get
If you buy a Tiger barb, you get
If you buy a Harlequin Rasbora, you get
If you buy a betta splenden, you can get these
I could go on and on and on.......................
Like already said, if you haven't got any interest in a certain topic, dont go there! Simple.