

Fish Crazy
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
Davy Jones' Locker
Hello everyone, its been ... when I started on this form I was a begginer asking about different decor....aerating ornaments and other tacky fack stuff.
Ill be getting a larger aquarium and my lfs had a sale and I bought this beauty:

Now if you know me you know I like ships. Out of all the ones Ive seen, this one looks real.
It has a old rotten feal to it and hiding spots for fish. The plants also give it that aged look.....
I just wanted your opinions on if you think this is fake/like or tacky?

When I set this tank up, It will be a new start for me so I hope for the best!
i agree it would look better without the plants, but im not one for decor like that im more the rock and driftwood guy
I like more natural thing's and i dont really like it. It probably would look better without the plant's as they look to fake! Nice buy though!
Silk or fabric plants look horrid after a while underwater too, I would rip off all the fake plants for sure. :nod:
Thanks for the heads up!

Id agree with the above, maybe you could get some real plants that will attach to it? once algae covers it i think it will look alot better. Id make sure no fish can get stuck in it, that happened to me with a fake decoration a fish got trapped in the very bottom of it i had to throw the decoration, id seal any potential death traps. :rolleyes:
i dunno the fake ornaments look great.. with goldfish!
with nice fish they deserve the best...
i heve real plants and plant pots hehe!
my fish love it!
Since you're asking for opinions, I think the whole thing looks tacky but then I stear well clear of any 'tank ornaments' such as that...I prefer the natural look myself.
Oh stick it in the tank, if it begins to look nasty, you can always take the plants off later. I have real branches and plastic plants in my tank (big plecs and real plants don't mix well) and I don't mind that the plants look a bit plastic, the little danios like to hide in them and they are there for the benefit of the fish.
Yeh I think the pink and purple silky plants kill any potential realism there, ship will be appreciated by the fish though im sure :)

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