Opinions Please!

HEY. nice looking site. It also stretches my screen which I always find frustrating when I'm visiting a site.

Also, is there any reason you did everything as pictures rather than text plus pictures? The search engines won't pick your site up and log it as well if they has so little actual text to read.

Other than that, nice site.

I'm going to reiterate what others have said... the size... is... well.. huge. for the text get rid of the images and just use text, it works so much better. Style sheets can be your friend like another poster has mentioned. make it so it fits on the screen, side scrolling is bad. very bad. :) but otherwise good, keep on trying.
cool but I just have to say again that the text and pictures are a bit fuzzy. The betta onyour home page is beautiful! :drool:
The site generator I'm using doesn't have any color options for the text and it looks so...well... boring with just plain text. I don't know how to make it colorful other than to write it up in paint save it as a pic and upload it through photobucket. I'm using www.beep.com if anyone has suggestions please let me know! thanks
8) the site could use some visual improvements,but the message you are sending is the most important one.i think you will encourage people to rescue bettas around the world.think about it.if one betta is rescued because of your website then it was worth it.
Have you considered anything like Geocities? It has kindof lousy bandwidth in the free version, but it has a very user-friendly program called page builder ideal for people with minimal HTML know-how. You can def. change fonts, font colors, background colors, etc. as well as insert links and images even with the most basic of knowledge. I used to use it before I started learning html; it was the only way I'd have ever had a webpage before! What's more, the adress is pretty easy to remember: just http://www.geocities.com/yoursitename
If you want BettaBum ill host it all for you for free plus ill add a layout :)

Just PM Me if you want this

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