Opinions Please!

Very nice! But uh.... ya kinda stole my banner and my goldfish quote (which was edited for bettas I see). I don't really recall permission being asked for this...? If you did ask permission, and I'm just not remembering it - my bad. But in the future, ask in advance. I don't mind the use of the banner at all, but I do kindof mind the quote thing.
Also, it'd be nice if you noted that the quote (which I made up entirely myself) and banner were made by RandomWiktor, with maybe a link to my webpage? ::wink wink::
you done a great job well done :thumbs:
Thanks, I appreciate it ^^ Once I get my personal site back up and running, my own betta rescue info will be up, so people who click the link will be able to get even more info on betta rescue and rehabilitation ^^
Hiya,, nice site but if your trying to put across a good image for yourself.. Maybe use text instead of pictures? or use .PNG or a similiar filetype to UnFuzzle (I like that word :D ) the pictures...

Just my two cents..

P.s (PM Me if you want me to send you a layout..)

I love it nice and colourful show it william so we can have some colour. :lol:
I am running at 1024x768, and your site is stretching my page. It looks really nice, though! Consider using a CSS stylesheet for your layout, and use actual text instead of images. That should solve the stretching problem.

Goldfish Bowl, I love png's myself, but Internet Exploder doesn't always render them correctly. jpegs would probably be the best bet.
The more I look, the more tempted I am to adopt from you this May :hey:

If you end up with a male or female who does not have a history of persistent health problems, and is mellow enough to live in a split 10g tank, I think you might have found a home for him/her by May. :D
Awesome site.
Would love to adopt from you but unfortunatley i'm UK i like to rescue aswell, Not on the same level as you do it but if i see a poor tattered one wanting to die then i buy him and look after him.
Your site is really informative and should teach a lot of people alot of things.
I really think that fish shops should need to have some sort of license to look after them, Bettas and Goldfish are probably among those worstly treated fish in the world..

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