Opinions on new Apple devices?

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Apparently the iPhone 14 will be getting rid of the notch next year.. it’s taken them long enough, still can’t understand the notch on the new macs..
Yeah sort of I kind of am doing the equivalent of year 12 right now, nearly finished and into my career journey. Must be extremely annoying for him! How long has he worked as a engineer?
A while. He couldn’t find an acceptable faculty position and drifted into computers. Actually trained as a neurophysiologist
The cost of buying new electronics and the damage it can do. one of my usual weird wrong toasts)

I Paid $800 cash for my Iphone 8 plus about 4 yrs ago. My other Ipone didn't have Siri on it which is what I really wanted plus my husband had just died and I received a decent settlement for wrongful death (he slipped on ice where they placed the car he just bought and it burst a blood vessel in his brain and being on 3 blood-thinners he never had much of a chance. They basically killed the love of my life right in front of me. He had his faults but there was never two people who stayed so closely in love no matter what happened,

I haven't touched the money except to buy the Iphone and a nice barely used car for $14K (the car he purchased we just left at the dealer and said we'd be returning it - it had my name on it anyway so I considered it to be a bad luck car even though it was far nicer than the one I ended up buying. The rest is in stocks bonds, money markets and IRA's - I made over $250K since I deposited 800K, 4 yrs ago. I had just paid off all my debt when he died (he still had a lot of it unfortunately - but it was only in his name so all the bill collectors - all quite nice actually - didn't even try to come after me.). He was born a VERY poor child and the 2nd oldest out of 8 and only boy. His mother had to work 2 and 3 jobs and his newspaper route paid for a new pair of jeans and shoes every year and sometimes dresses for his sisters. He joined the marines at 17 and they gave him an IQ test and decide he was too intelligent to die in Vietnam. (he was 10 yrs older than me) After the military training he worked for the biggest mainframe and miniframe companies in the world. Ended up as a Senior Software Engineer with boxes full of trophies and used to making $200K per year plus a ton in bonuses, (but he was on the road for most of it and missed seeing his kids growing up but they loved him dearly).

When IBM laid off most of their upper management he was given a nice settlement and no job, so he eventually went to work for State Government (where I was working) at a time when both our marriages were failing due to our spouses infidelity. We actually were put on an IT job together and I swore I'd never marry again He had a bloody divorce and he neglected to tell me about all the back taxes his ex-wife owed (she sold real estate but never had taxes withheld because her husband made enough to pay them )- and child support he had to pay (but his kids were nearly adults). And he only knew how to live on $250K and it pulled me down with him. He was so loving but had NO self-discipline about handling money and while he was making 1/2 of what he used to make I was living in a house were we had 2x as much money as I was used to having - so we both spent big. Traveled and did a lot of gambling and always had to have the latest technology. My daughter (age 8 was miserable and lonely - we had always been so close but she benefited materialistically too and even taught herself Japanese and got her CNA in high school and other credentials and graduated summa cum lad in college with plans to move to Japan after graduating - and we had always hoped to help her. . She lived at home during college with a full finished basement to live in and save money. But of course at some point the **** hits the fan and we started looking at our finances and were in shock when we realized how much we had spent -and how deep in debt so we both filed separately for bankruptcy in a different city so my dear dad wouldn't find out about it - I was so ashamed of myself. My debt was wiped clean but my husband's was mostly with the IRS and they don't negotiate much - so I started having to pay for nearly everything. Luckily my daughter found her first great love of her life and was content to stay in Topeka.

Eventually I had all my debt paid off, my husband died I sold my house - cost me 9K to get rid of it because of closing costs and my husband and step-son neglected to tell me there was a massive amount of mold in the soffits. Plus any time there was any profit in the house he would just refinance it. So it appraised for exactly what I owed, Since it was my closest cousin that bought my house I helped pay for some of that mold remediation even though I told them multiple times to have a home inspection done - we were in the middle of a huge remodel - thanks to the fact that my step-son and son's-in-law were great people but knew I didn't deal well with bad news.

So I've been able to spend thousands on all the fish equipment ( which, I think in hindsight was not the best idea), in return years of smoking caused me to be severely disabled (End-stage Emphysema) and since I bought all this cool stuff I found i've had to hire an assistant because it's more than I can manage. My house has always been immaculate but with all the fish stuff and boxes arriving from Amazon every day, but I've also had 8 hospitalizations this year - about 1/2 put me in the ICU or a "pre-ICU". I'm vaccinated for covid but as we all know people have still caught it. I have a poor immune system. I've lost a number of friends over this vaccination argument (hey, I'm in Kansas, the Hillbilly capital) but i have responsibilities to my elderly cat, the stray cats outside that i feed daily as well as try to keep the duplex up - I can't risk getting sick.

So today 2 of my much loved DoJo's died due to a "white cloud algae" that seems to follow them around so I think it's their poop causing it. I just spent close to 2K for a 90 gallon aquarium, and cannister filter, hoping that by giving the poop more room to live in and buying one of the best cansiter filters on the market - it didn't do a thing. Fully recycled it before adding the fish and 2 weeks after cycling i have severe white cloud algae again and strings of fish poop all over the inside even though we were doing 70% water changes each week. The new filter did work wonders but still couldn't put up with their output. I realize they really need about a 200-300 gallon aquarium with some poop eaters - something I have no space left for. I am still trying to live in this house LOL. I also bought a biocube to start a saltwater reef aquarium and after the 90 gallon was set up I started working on cycling the saltwater tank. I make my own water and after the first test it looked perfect but i know I need a few more tests before I consider it fully cycled. Then the complexities of getting about 5 fish and a bunch of coral that won't poison me (I was shocked), By the time I'm done I'll have spend about 3K for that - and that's before getting any fish or corals. Was getting ready to buy some clown fish to finish cycling it and then start in with my major interest - the Corals. I knew salt water is expensive and complicated so I cut corners got an almost "nano" reef (It's 32 gallons). The sump is build into the back but you have purchase what goes in there - like protein skimmers and media etc. Now it's put on hold until I get the 90 gallon tank sorted out. If the DoJos all die I'll need to lightly bleach clean that tank before getting new fish (no more dojos. I have gourami and plecos in a 29 gallon tank so they will all move into the 50 gallon tank after I'm done cleaning it for white cloud to - I just threw out the substrate on that one. I may get a few extra fish. I like getting all my live animals overnighted from one of the places that has all that I might need. Our local fish stores are terrible and I rarely drive any more (between getting cateracts done, now dry eye syndrome and they also found about 8 polups in my lungs which hopefully are just pockets of inflammation - because a biopsy will certainly put me on a Vent for 6-10 months if a lung collapses due to that procedure. (Feeling very sorry for myself) So maybe I should just keep my 29 gallon tank and two betta tanks and "wait for all the lights to be green" like my dad used to tell me that I did all the time.

Time will tell but I know i'm not going to get a new Apple Phone or ipad or all their other overpriced gadgets. Mine is in perfect condition and it has Siri which has died 911 for me more than once as well as gotten me to numerous destinations I needed to go for medical care without my dear husband there to drive and take care of me.

Love and all to you and hope your family is handling this covid stuff and other major illnesses and stressors. My biggest joy is that I have a 15 month terror of a grandson that I've never thought I'd love so much (I'm not much of a kid person); My daughter and her husband both work from home - he does some high level help desk work (help desk to the help desk to the help desk) while she is a Network specialist - not in Japan and not her dream job but until his older daughter is out of high school they are stuck in Topeka rather than moving to Kansas City where all the big jobs are. On the other hand I think they like not having to travel much and both are paid decently. (she started OUT making as much as I did when I went on disability after 25 years of service LOL) Her car and student loans and credit cards are all paid for (she finally learned something from me) and we are finally getting close again, Now they also have me to worry about so hopefully I'll die in the next 5 yrs so they can move (and inherit a lot of money)

Anyway - that's my plan and I'll try to stick to it. I've always been an atheist but i'm starting to think otherwise. My husband's death set up my whole new lifestyle but I'm so lonely without him - it also relieved a lot of my stress and I think he knew it. His last words to me were "I love you darling, see you next lifetime" We knew we didn't have much time left anyway - he had 8 heart attacks and he STILL kept helping pushing cars out of the snow each winter. And then handing them a $20 bill so they and their little child could get some food until they made it back home to her mama. Heart of gold - I tell you. Of course more often than not he'd spend the next day in the ER with a new heart attack. Even when we really didn't have the money we would adopt 2 families at Christmas Time and once he drove an army solder to where he was trying to get to in order to see his family after just getting out of boot camp. NO OTHER WHITE PEOPLE were brave enough to help this poor black kid put out the fire in his car and his cell phone battery had run down (which we charged in our car). My husband drove him home to see his family one more time before he was deployed. They sent us a fruit basket every Christmas for 5 yrs and gave us an update on their son (He was doing well). What if we hadn't stopped?

So remember gadgets are nice but not being Me Me Me feels so much better. All my donations go to animal welfare which makes it easy to say no to others. If you let things happen more often than not it all turns outs better than worrying about everything and do what you should be doing in this life time and looking after each other.
The cost of buying new electronics and the damage it can do. one of my usual weird wrong toasts)

I Paid $800 cash for my Iphone 8 plus about 4 yrs ago. My other Ipone didn't have Siri on it which is what I really wanted plus my husband had just died and I received a decent settlement for wrongful death (he slipped on ice where they placed the car he just bought and it burst a blood vessel in his brain and being on 3 blood-thinners he never had much of a chance. They basically killed the love of my life right in front of me. He had his faults but there was never two people who stayed so closely in love no matter what happened,

I haven't touched the money except to buy the Iphone and a nice barely used car for $14K (the car he purchased we just left at the dealer and said we'd be returning it - it had my name on it anyway so I considered it to be a bad luck car even though it was far nicer than the one I ended up buying. The rest is in stocks bonds, money markets and IRA's - I made over $250K since I deposited 800K, 4 yrs ago. I had just paid off all my debt when he died (he still had a lot of it unfortunately - but it was only in his name so all the bill collectors - all quite nice actually - didn't even try to come after me.). He was born a VERY poor child and the 2nd oldest out of 8 and only boy. His mother had to work 2 and 3 jobs and his newspaper route paid for a new pair of jeans and shoes every year and sometimes dresses for his sisters. He joined the marines at 17 and they gave him an IQ test and decide he was too intelligent to die in Vietnam. (he was 10 yrs older than me) After the military training he worked for the biggest mainframe and miniframe companies in the world. Ended up as a Senior Software Engineer with boxes full of trophies and used to making $200K per year plus a ton in bonuses, (but he was on the road for most of it and missed seeing his kids growing up but they loved him dearly).

When IBM laid off most of their upper management he was given a nice settlement and no job, so he eventually went to work for State Government (where I was working) at a time when both our marriages were failing due to our spouses infidelity. We actually were put on an IT job together and I swore I'd never marry again He had a bloody divorce and he neglected to tell me about all the back taxes his ex-wife owed (she sold real estate but never had taxes withheld because her husband made enough to pay them )- and child support he had to pay (but his kids were nearly adults). And he only knew how to live on $250K and it pulled me down with him. He was so loving but had NO self-discipline about handling money and while he was making 1/2 of what he used to make I was living in a house were we had 2x as much money as I was used to having - so we both spent big. Traveled and did a lot of gambling and always had to have the latest technology. My daughter (age 8 was miserable and lonely - we had always been so close but she benefited materialistically too and even taught herself Japanese and got her CNA in high school and other credentials and graduated summa cum lad in college with plans to move to Japan after graduating - and we had always hoped to help her. . She lived at home during college with a full finished basement to live in and save money. But of course at some point the **** hits the fan and we started looking at our finances and were in shock when we realized how much we had spent -and how deep in debt so we both filed separately for bankruptcy in a different city so my dear dad wouldn't find out about it - I was so ashamed of myself. My debt was wiped clean but my husband's was mostly with the IRS and they don't negotiate much - so I started having to pay for nearly everything. Luckily my daughter found her first great love of her life and was content to stay in Topeka.

Eventually I had all my debt paid off, my husband died I sold my house - cost me 9K to get rid of it because of closing costs and my husband and step-son neglected to tell me there was a massive amount of mold in the soffits. Plus any time there was any profit in the house he would just refinance it. So it appraised for exactly what I owed, Since it was my closest cousin that bought my house I helped pay for some of that mold remediation even though I told them multiple times to have a home inspection done - we were in the middle of a huge remodel - thanks to the fact that my step-son and son's-in-law were great people but knew I didn't deal well with bad news.

So I've been able to spend thousands on all the fish equipment ( which, I think in hindsight was not the best idea), in return years of smoking caused me to be severely disabled (End-stage Emphysema) and since I bought all this cool stuff I found i've had to hire an assistant because it's more than I can manage. My house has always been immaculate but with all the fish stuff and boxes arriving from Amazon every day, but I've also had 8 hospitalizations this year - about 1/2 put me in the ICU or a "pre-ICU". I'm vaccinated for covid but as we all know people have still caught it. I have a poor immune system. I've lost a number of friends over this vaccination argument (hey, I'm in Kansas, the Hillbilly capital) but i have responsibilities to my elderly cat, the stray cats outside that i feed daily as well as try to keep the duplex up - I can't risk getting sick.

So today 2 of my much loved DoJo's died due to a "white cloud algae" that seems to follow them around so I think it's their poop causing it. I just spent close to 2K for a 90 gallon aquarium, and cannister filter, hoping that by giving the poop more room to live in and buying one of the best cansiter filters on the market - it didn't do a thing. Fully recycled it before adding the fish and 2 weeks after cycling i have severe white cloud algae again and strings of fish poop all over the inside even though we were doing 70% water changes each week. The new filter did work wonders but still couldn't put up with their output. I realize they really need about a 200-300 gallon aquarium with some poop eaters - something I have no space left for. I am still trying to live in this house LOL. I also bought a biocube to start a saltwater reef aquarium and after the 90 gallon was set up I started working on cycling the saltwater tank. I make my own water and after the first test it looked perfect but i know I need a few more tests before I consider it fully cycled. Then the complexities of getting about 5 fish and a bunch of coral that won't poison me (I was shocked), By the time I'm done I'll have spend about 3K for that - and that's before getting any fish or corals. Was getting ready to buy some clown fish to finish cycling it and then start in with my major interest - the Corals. I knew salt water is expensive and complicated so I cut corners got an almost "nano" reef (It's 32 gallons). The sump is build into the back but you have purchase what goes in there - like protein skimmers and media etc. Now it's put on hold until I get the 90 gallon tank sorted out. If the DoJos all die I'll need to lightly bleach clean that tank before getting new fish (no more dojos. I have gourami and plecos in a 29 gallon tank so they will all move into the 50 gallon tank after I'm done cleaning it for white cloud to - I just threw out the substrate on that one. I may get a few extra fish. I like getting all my live animals overnighted from one of the places that has all that I might need. Our local fish stores are terrible and I rarely drive any more (between getting cateracts done, now dry eye syndrome and they also found about 8 polups in my lungs which hopefully are just pockets of inflammation - because a biopsy will certainly put me on a Vent for 6-10 months if a lung collapses due to that procedure. (Feeling very sorry for myself) So maybe I should just keep my 29 gallon tank and two betta tanks and "wait for all the lights to be green" like my dad used to tell me that I did all the time.

Time will tell but I know i'm not going to get a new Apple Phone or ipad or all their other overpriced gadgets. Mine is in perfect condition and it has Siri which has died 911 for me more than once as well as gotten me to numerous destinations I needed to go for medical care without my dear husband there to drive and take care of me.

Love and all to you and hope your family is handling this covid stuff and other major illnesses and stressors. My biggest joy is that I have a 15 month terror of a grandson that I've never thought I'd love so much (I'm not much of a kid person); My daughter and her husband both work from home - he does some high level help desk work (help desk to the help desk to the help desk) while she is a Network specialist - not in Japan and not her dream job but until his older daughter is out of high school they are stuck in Topeka rather than moving to Kansas City where all the big jobs are. On the other hand I think they like not having to travel much and both are paid decently. (she started OUT making as much as I did when I went on disability after 25 years of service LOL) Her car and student loans and credit cards are all paid for (she finally learned something from me) and we are finally getting close again, Now they also have me to worry about so hopefully I'll die in the next 5 yrs so they can move (and inherit a lot of money)

Anyway - that's my plan and I'll try to stick to it. I've always been an atheist but i'm starting to think otherwise. My husband's death set up my whole new lifestyle but I'm so lonely without him - it also relieved a lot of my stress and I think he knew it. His last words to me were "I love you darling, see you next lifetime" We knew we didn't have much time left anyway - he had 8 heart attacks and he STILL kept helping pushing cars out of the snow each winter. And then handing them a $20 bill so they and their little child could get some food until they made it back home to her mama. Heart of gold - I tell you. Of course more often than not he'd spend the next day in the ER with a new heart attack. Even when we really didn't have the money we would adopt 2 families at Christmas Time and once he drove an army solder to where he was trying to get to in order to see his family after just getting out of boot camp. NO OTHER WHITE PEOPLE were brave enough to help this poor black kid put out the fire in his car and his cell phone battery had run down (which we charged in our car). My husband drove him home to see his family one more time before he was deployed. They sent us a fruit basket every Christmas for 5 yrs and gave us an update on their son (He was doing well). What if we hadn't stopped?

So remember gadgets are nice but not being Me Me Me feels so much better. All my donations go to animal welfare which makes it easy to say no to others. If you let things happen more often than not it all turns outs better than worrying about everything and do what you should be doing in this life time and looking after each other.
I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through stay strong.

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