My tank won Tank of the Month in January 2019. Here's my youtube video which was entered in the contest.
"Fisherman's Paradise".......Japanese Zen Garden Themed 35 gallon tall hex tank
9 Serpae Tetra, 3 Black Skirt Tetra, 1 full grown Angelfish, 1 Bushynose Pleco
200 watt Aqueon shatterproof heater with two indicator leds ..heat on/ heat off
Aquaclear 50 filter loaded with 2 sponges, filter floss, and ceramics
Air pump operated sponge filter ... sized for 40 gallon tank
Danner two outlet air pump hooked to sponge filter and one airstone
two toned blue gravel, various sized rocks,
custom made flagstone/rock platform/cave, handmade wooden Japanese bridge made from bamboo chopsticks and toothpicks, glazed clay "fisherman" ornament, manzanita driftwood to support upper level of anubias and a large malasian driftwood supporting lower level of anubias
Plantings: annubias nana, water wisteria, and watersprite (floating)
Fertilizers: Seachem Flourish complete once a week, Seachem Trace weekly, seachem root tabs
Water changes: 50% about every 7-9 days, also do moderate gravel clean using the python water changer device
0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 10 nitrates, hardness 175, temperature 77.3 (digital thermometer)
Filter service:
change filter floss and squeeze out sponges (in tank water) every two weeks
clean filter box and tubes monthly
15 watt t8 Zoo Med 6500K fluorescent tube and low powered led fixture...lights on 12 hours/day
Cobalt brand flake twice a day..freeze dried bloodworms about twice a week (presoaked), freeze dried daphnia occasionally, frozen shrimp as a treat, hikari algae wafer once or twice a week.