I think the little thermostats in them are just a bit on the weak side. Also the heater coil is kind of light duty.
That should not be an issue. I don't know if they list the range in the specs but I have just chucked out a cheapie heater because it triggered with just a 0.1C change which means it is continually turning itself on and off. Mine are set to allow a full degree drop (that's 2F) before they come on.So far I guess the only issue that could arise from using a overpowered temperature regulated heater like this is how often it would be switching on and off possibly wearing the heater itself down.
Well if that's just speculation I think it's correct. What you stated about A/C and heating backs you up. I once had an A/C that was too big and I had the problem you mentioned. But one other thing that bugs me about the new heaters is the mounting suction cups. They pop loose all the time. Really gravels me to have to reach in and fix that.Yes, it’s kind of my speculations, not that I think it would matter in my baby 5.5gallon but for those with aquariums greater than 40 gallons that have spent a lot of money it might be worth mentioning, as I know with HVAC people commonly mistake a bigger furnace and or AC unit is better when in fact it’s horrible for comfort. Too big of a furnace creates scorching hotspots that quickly satisfy the thermostat and shut right back off and oversized ac don’t get to run long enough to dehumidify your home making you hot and sticky even at a temperature you should be comfy at.. However, I’m glad I went with the 50watt, as I think a 75 watt may have been a bit much.. now my issue is sometimes my fish gets stuck on the inlet strainer of my filter. Idk if he’s stuck or just hanging out. Either way I think I’ll try to find some kind of mesh or sponge to put over it. Also should I look into these bio filters or balls or whatever it is I’ve seen people stuff in their filter housings?? I think it’s for good bacteria to live in?