Opinions On Eheim Thermo Filter


New Member
Dec 28, 2004
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As I am still in the process of setting up my tank I wonder if it is worth considering an ehiem thermo filter.Something lime a 2328 or 2329.

Mainly to get the heaters out of the tank.

This is my first marine tank and I am going down the Berlin method of filtration - will using this type of filter have a detrimental effect on the system.

Is it worth doing this to get the heaters out of the tank - or is there another better way....

I spent £270 this morning on grade A cured live rock - it had better be worth it....


Best way to get the heaters out is to put a sump on. Though if you were to remove the media from the filter and put some LR in you would gain a mini fuge to grow 'pods in.
Thermo Filter would deffinately be a fairly easy way to go about it. External filter will act as a bacteria back-up should you have an ammonia spike in the tank. As it is your first marine tank you probably dont want to go down the route of sumps which can be complecated to plumb.

Thermo Filter would deffinately be a fairly easy way to go about it. External filter will act as a bacteria back-up should you have an ammonia spike in the tank. As it is your first marine tank you probably dont want to go down the route of sumps which can be complecated to plumb.


You need to make sure its ok for marine use, I remember looking into it and some thermofilters are ok and some arent
Sorry I should have mentioned that, there are indeed 2 different versions of the thermofilter. The marine version has a better quality heating coil.

So assuming I got the marine EHiem 2329 with the salt resistant heting element.

What media do you put in it.


Thats a good filter, but you want the 2327.85 or 2329.85 which are the Marine Thermofilters, we use a 2329.85 on a 4ft Seahorse tank at work. Both these filters are available online.
As for media I would put..

- 1 Bucket of Eheim Ehfi Mech
- 1 Bucket of Eheim Ehfi Substrat
- 1 Bucket 3/4 filled with Ehfi Substrat & 1 Sponge, (either a coarse blue or a fine white one, depending how often you think you will realistically change it.)


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