
Great Lakes

Always do right, not popular...
May 11, 2002
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Southern Michigan
Am I the only one that has ever let a stinky skimmer cup overflow?

I knew there was something I was forgetting.

I just set up my new tank and i cannot get any "scum" in my skimmer cup? i have tried all the air setings (its a cyclone)

is this because the water is relativly clean or is the skimmer faulty, it is a total rotating froth inside just nothing bubbles up into the cup?

my deltec that i had years ago could flood the house if you had it adjusted wrong.
Tank is clean nothing to clean out :D
My skimmer was clean for the first 3 to 4 weeks but now it gets the skum all the time.

Hazmat :)
The scum is dissolved organics, so if there's nothing organic in the tank, then you won't get any scum.

My skimmer didn't start having any scum at all until we started putting live rock, fish, inverts, etc. in.

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