Oops Too Many Bloodworms!

I starved them for a day and then cut back on feeding.  All the fish are back to normal now except my biggest platy Poppy who is HUGE, almost waddling instead of swimming but I checked my diary and she is four weeks pregnant so that probably explains it!
I don't mind the adults but I do worry about starving the fry for too long.  I was told that fry need feeding 4-5 times a day and I only feed them twice as it is.
Will refrigerate the worms next time - if I dare get them again!  Might stick to brine shrimp!
True, fry do need to be fed often. You could add some moss for the fry to pick at whilst you starve the greedy adults 

Or crush up some flake food in to a powder and use a pipette to squirt it towards the fry.
There is moss in the tank fortunately (just trimmed and replanted it today as it was growing wild!).  I used to use powdered flakes in a syringe to try feeding the fry but I found the greedy adults were shoving the little ones out of the way to get at the crumbs!  So I started feeding the adults two small meals a day and they are messy enough eaters that the fry get enough food too.
Do you have any loach they would love sieving the substrate for life food... 
I think the bloodworms are either all gone or buried down deep, I stirred up the sand during maintenance yesterday and saw not a peep of them.
I was right about my biggest fish Poppy - she gave birth last night and is now back to her slim svelte self! :lol:  Oh my god I have so many fry in the tank now - I already had 9 and there are at least another six from this batch...
I uncovered one the other day so they seem to be surviving quite happily under the sand, for now!

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