Ooops Me May Have Been A Bit Naughty


Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
Leicestershire UK
I was very naughty and brought 2 bettas today :lol:

i very nice PK male, he is a lilac colour with some blue on him, best part was the price £2! (yes they knew he was male!)

then a pretty little female for my sister, she is white with a tiny bit of red in her fins again was £2.

the reason i got the male for the price of a female was: someone had returned him for the fact he was male, so as he was returned he said i could have him for the price of a female cause he was originally brought as a female!

will get piccys of both once they have settled :wub:
I was very naughty and brought 2 bettas today :lol:

i very nice PK male, he is a lilac colour with some blue on him, best part was the price £2! (yes they knew he was male!)

then a pretty little female for my sister, she is white with a tiny bit of red in her fins again was £2.

the reason i got the male for the price of a female was: someone had returned him for the fact he was male, so as he was returned he said i could have him for the price of a female cause he was originally brought as a female!

will get piccys of both once they have settled :wub:
Bargains :good: They sound gorgeous too, cant wait to see piccies.
Oooh they both sound lovely - esp that male, colouring sounds gorgeous and what a great price!! :D
he's currently floating in his new 5.5 gal home, with sand substate, live plants and bogwood, best part is i probably have a CT pair coming soon to :lol:
:lol: I knew it wouldn't be long before you started adding to your collection. Hurry with the pics :good:
I was very naughty and brought 2 bettas today :lol:

i very nice PK male, he is a lilac colour with some blue on him, best part was the price £2! (yes they knew he was male!)

then a pretty little female for my sister, she is white with a tiny bit of red in her fins again was £2.

Can't argue with the prices! What great additions! Can't wait to see some pics. :good:
At least i didn't smuggle them in this time :lol: anyway piccy time!

PK's tank: he shares with an Amano Shrimp which he doesn't bother at all (this is the same shrimp that attacked my females though :lol:)

Only one i could get of him, he is so hyper active!

and last but not least the Girlie, currently has a 6 gal all to herself

Sorry about the quality taken on my phone, will try get some better ones when he calms down a bit :lol:

And they both need naming :good:
She is such a sweetie......what about Pearl.

You can tell he's a PK boy can't you.....I just love the look of butch lol

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