oooOOooOo spawning!


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
musttypefastsorry.... haha just kidding.. not that fast. But this will be short and sweet - my cherry barbs are currently spawning and I am SO psyched because they're supposed to be a pretty hard fish to breed in a community tank. WHOOPEE! :D It's absolutely AMAZING to watch - they get in a sort of "hug" when the female is expelling eggs. I doubt I'll be able to save any, but I'm certainly gonna try! More info soon - I wanna get back to watching. They're completely oblivous to all else going on.

go Julie, save them eggs!

as for the Barbs; shh, the world is not watching you and waiting for Julie to come back.

just the people of this board :lol:

:clap: :clap: :clap:
They're stillllllllll goin! I was soooo sure they were done about 5 min ago, so I gravel vacummed a bit to get any eggs that had fallen to the ground and took out the plant they'd be spending most of their time in, but NO, back to more! They were just taken a break! I've actually seen some eggs come out now, so I'm trying my best to suck em up with a turkey baster before anybody eats them (seen lots of that too!). They're in a bucket...but now I'm wondering how to keep the bucket warm when all is done. -_-

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