Ooo Just Bought Gorgeous Plant For Me Tank


Fish Fanatic
May 28, 2008
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got these in my lfs, They look like silk! How much did you pay for yours? I can get them for 1.99 potted.
What plant is that? How big are the leaves? I've reserved a spot in my tank for a Nymphaea lotus as soon as I can find one, but that plant looks like it might fit in even better if the leaves aren't too small.
the ones i saw was about 1inch at a rough guess, Plant was about 7-8 inch high i think.

There lovely looking if you like colour in your tank. :good:

i didnt think it was aquatic but i can remember tom barr using a plant that had a purple underside to the leaves, which plant is that?
That Tom Barr used? Could it have been alternanthera reineckii lilacina? This has a nice purple underside under really good lighting. Or it could have been that one, as given enough CO2, light etc even bog plants can survive for a time in an aquarium.

As to that plant it gets described as 2 different plants regularly, some sellers sell it as hemigraphis colorata and say that it grows well in calcium rich aquariums, whilst most plant sites describe it as hemigraphis exotica and none aquatic. lol. From comparisons they are one and the same plant, and it only survives immersed for a few months. Pot it up if you want it to do really well, it will make a gorgeous house plant.

had one of these in my tank when i first set it up , died within a week or two. its a non aquatic plant as i found out. will start to get holes in leaves etc

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