Fish Crazy
Hope I didn't steal your thunder, pc.
I saw a post some time back from Inchworm asking Bryan if his bronze were wild caught. I thought at the time, "Maybe she wants to infuse her cories with some new/wild blood."
While I think there is cross breeding in the wild, I am guessing that the lps fish that are bought from locals are often hybrids and the lineage is questionable. I know when I take my C. aeneus to the lps; they are all from one group with no bronze from another source, they were purchased from the lps, and I didn't ask at the time about their source; they have been breeding in a tank with other species. So their lineage is truely in doubt.
These are all things that must eventually be considered when one starts to breed. That is why I have gone to the trouble of seeking a second source for my albino long fin peppers--to strengthen the line that I would offer. I really am a newbe at the breeding thing. I raised my first fry last winter, but I have just started to take it a bit more seriously.
Nope you didn't steal anything Glad someone has opinion and share with other.
It is a very good idea if one wants to breed the cory then trying to buy from different source so the blood line will not become weak and can be improving quality of the fish.