Online Ordering?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2013
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Hey everyone! So I was wondering if anyone knows of any places I could order live fish from online. I'm in canada, so places that ship here that arnt to costly or even better a place in canada. I've neve done this before so if someone could tell me how the shipping process is done that would be helpful. Thanks!
I get my fish off aquabid. I've never been disappointed. I got all my fish (except my cherry barbs, 2 betta fish, and 4 livebearers) from various sellers on aquabid. All of the fish I buy online are healthy and happy and vibrant. I've had less luck with my closer LFS, but better luck with the better one thirty miles away. There are many users there who will ship to Canada. Some of them ship worldwide, some of them to North America, and some of them ship Canada only. You'll be able to find someone who will ship to you. What sort of fish are you looking for? Aquabid is limited to what others are willing to sell, so they may not have what you are looking for.
Liveaquaria also ships, but you have to have a minimum order of like thirty dollars, and their fish are pretty inexpensive (some of them anyway).
Try Ebay for your country  - there are plenty of bargins to be had and you can check out the feedback to see if they are reliable. They should come in a sturdy box, packed in a double plastic bag (incase of spits) filled with oxygen and then placed on top of heat pads to keep them warm. They will be sent via a next day delivery and you need to make sure you are in as failure to take delivery will result in the fish dying!
Thanks for the info :) I'll have a look at aquabid and ebay, but what happends if the fish come to me and there dead, or die shortly after getting them? And I'm not sure what type of fish yet, my new 36 gal is almost cycled, but I was looking into a type of killifish, but still planning
I know that most sellers on aquabid have a DOA policy. For example, when I purchased my betta, the seller had on the auction page his DOA policy. It stated that if the fish was dead upon arrival, I should take a clear picture of the dead fish in the unopened bag and email him the image. Then the seller would give me either a refund or credit for a new fish. Some sellers only have live arrival guarantee with fish shipped overnight. If the fish dies within a few hours of you adding the fish to the tank, most sellers will not assume responsibility. However, I have purchased eleven fish online, and not a single one of them has shown a sign of illness. You can message individual sellers for more precise information, and many of them are happy to explain it.

Also, there are always people selling killifish, so I think you will have good luck on aquabid.
good to know thanks! 

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