Mostly New Member
Hello I have had on going fish deaths for a while does not happen very close together but can not get to bottom of it. Tropical fish tank currently have left tetras and 1 danio just recently lost balloon Molly and a platy. Water tests ok and never show much difference. Checked to see my test kit is accurate which it is, done treatment for bacterial and parasite ,do regular water changes I clean filter pad in fish water I have decreased feeding the night before one would look off balance problems swimming straight next day they are dead normally all the same signs no obvious fin, scale problems. Don't know whether it could be an oxygen problem? my filter is two years old and not as fast with water flow it used to be so I have ordered a new one dnt know whether its the melafix treatment isn't working or it's not to do with it old it be my heater dropping temp with out me knowing and causing stress? That's two years old as well I Haven't been using the condensation tray recently hope you can help thanks