One Platy nipping others - advice needed!

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New Member
Mar 28, 2021
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Hull, UK
Yesterday I bought 3 new Platys to join my one existing Platy in a 34 litre tank (all female). They seemed to get on fine for the first few hours, swimming together etc, but now one of the newbies is nipping at two of the other Platy. Interestingly, it is not nipping at the Platy that I think is pregnant.

The temperature is around 21/22 degrees (celsius) and I have been feeding them enough, so I can't work out what the issue could be. Not sure if I've got an aggressive fish or if it is just establishing a pecking order? It isn't nipping all the time or chasing, but it will if another fish gets close. Any thoughts?
Do you have any plant or decorations to break the line of sight and provide some hiding spaces?
Do you have any plant or decorations to break the line of sight and provide some hiding spaces?
Thanks for replying! I do yeah, I've built up the right corner with some fake plants which is where one of the Platys seems to be currently hiding (or just resting), so at least they do have somewhere to hide. It seems like the fish is dominating the middle bottom part of the tank and nips others who come close
Maybe pecking order, that is what happens with my adult guppies when a newbie comes... pictures? Are you sure they are all female?

my pregnant female guppy sometimes is very very aggressive and basically tries to kill anyone near her territory. Maybe your fiha is preggo
It’s all about territory. The newbie sees the others as threats to its territory therefore chases it around. Might wanna consider rehoming all of them and start with all new platys.
Maybe pecking order, that is what happens with my adult guppies when a newbie comes... pictures? Are you sure they are all female?

my pregnant female guppy sometimes is very very aggressive and basically tries to kill anyone near her territory. Maybe your fiha is preggo
It could be that the aggressive one is pregnant then, although she doesn't look it. She has actually backed off a bit in the last day or so, and the other fish are still coming up for food and still swimming around the tank, going wherever they want, so I think it's okay for now hopefully!
It’s all about territory. The newbie sees the others as threats to its territory therefore chases it around. Might wanna consider rehoming all of them and start with all new platys.
That could be the issue. She does seem to have backed off a bit in the last day or so though, and the other fish don't seem stressed by her and are still swimming around the tank. I will keep an eye on it and if it gets any worse I may take her back to the pet shop.
That could be the issue. She does seem to have backed off a bit in the last day or so though, and the other fish don't seem stressed by her and are still swimming around the tank. I will keep an eye on it and if it gets any worse I may take her back to the pet shop.
Hey! So nipping is very common in livebearers. I have all livebearers (mix of mollies and platys). I have two males in total and the platy and molly both chase each other every now and then. I know yours are females. SO- you can do this.

Remove the aggressive fish from the tank for a couple of hours in lukewarm water (75 degrees should be good). When the water is cooler on their water spectrum (74-82), it calms their nerves. After around 1-4 hours have passed, put her back in the tank. This has happened almost every time for me when my girls get aggressive.

However, if they start really hurting each other, please take the aggressive fish back and get a new one, less aggressive female. If it continues, you can take them all back and start fresh. But that is your last resort.

I have also found males help balance out the tank with livebearers. You only need one. You will get fry but they are easy to get rid of (LFS will take them, you can leave them in the tank, sell them, etc).

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