One Piece Of Advice


Fish Fanatic
Jan 9, 2006
Reaction score
Vancouver area, BC, Canada
If you were asked to give one piece of advice for starting with bettas, what would it be? Just thinking this thread could give some "real world" advice, as well as the FAQ's etc. Thanks :)
I don't know about anyone else, but I would say no flourescent overhead lights, i heard that they stress the fish out having lights on them all the time.

And i would say also, lots of plants and things they can hide under. I have a sea shell in mine, that mortimer likes to sleep under every night.
Keep the easy equations rollin'

male + female in same tank (no matter the size) = nono :no:

male + male in same tank (no matter the size) =nono :no:

Daily interaction (showing them a mirror or just sitting by them or letting them have a neighbor fish tank)= happy fishy dance! :nod: :fish:

I don't know about anyone else, but I would say no flourescent overhead lights, i heard that they stress the fish out having lights on them all the time.

And i would say also, lots of plants and things they can hide under. I have a sea shell in mine, that mortimer likes to sleep under every night.

its perfectly fine to use flourescents, but any more than 14 hours of light daily will stress out your fish. So just dont keep them on for ore than 14 hours and your fine. And also, a sea shell will greatly raise your pH. (depending on the tank size and shell size) even 1 small shell in a large tank can raise the pH significantly. But if theyre artificial you wont have any problems.
I would agree with all I've read. Excellent advice.

Java moss + betta = very funny antics (mine buries himself in it all the time!)

If you've got a tank that would have a current from the filter / spraybar then I would suggest plenty of tall plants (amazon sword etc) that they can weave inbetween.

Most of all mine likes to be talked to, mine gets all excited when I come up to the tank.
I have an ornimant in mine that has a hole in the front, he seems to like going in that, but I think now he's realised he has a heater (i only just got the ornament and heater) he spends most of his time actualy ON the heater... A nice 50WATT heater is nice if you have a roughly 2G tank...
"Study before you purchase anything."

(that includes hardware AND livestock)

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