one of those dang lfs complaints


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2004
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So I head over to our local discount pet store tosee if they have any deals on 50 gallons, or 40 gallons (they did 20% off) and I was amazed by the show reef tank, so many corals, and anenome :wub: I went in there live fish section, adn they had alot more selection than the lfs I am loyal to, and I was pretty excited.They also had cheaper prices. That is until I took a closer look. I don't think I saw a single tank without a dead fish :-( . Even a dead LIONFISH!! like 5 fancy goldies had their eyes sucked out, the freshwater tanks were much worse than the salt. The thing is they were way over stocked in both though. If they added anymore it would've looked like a feeder tank! :grr:
I considered buying some becuase my other lfs doens't carry many corals, or anenomes, but I thought no way am I going to start out with sick stuff!
The place is discount pet mart (or something like that) on hammer, and thorton in Stockton. Beware of cheep fish.
As I left I said hey you've got tons of dead fish over there, and you know what the girl had the nerve to say!? "Well, if I worked in aquatics I'd do something about it!!!"
UGGGHHHHHHHH. Gotta hate stores with dead fish. I went to my lfs (well sort of its about an hour away) and was surprised to find some deads in different tanks. More so in the saltwater section than in the fresh water sections. I still bought some fish though (of course from tanks without any dead ones.) all and all they are a very decent store, so I don't know what was wrong on thisparticular day.
These stores treat fish like products, so what do you expect? When fish are on sale, something's wrong. However, low prices may mean different things. Large chain stores are most often bad places to frequent. :/
We have a Pet Stuff here that always has dead fish in the tanks and is always overstocked, both in the tropical and saltwater sections. And don't even get me started on the way they treat their bettas... :grr:

Fortunately, a second pet store has opened up here in town, and though they don't have as big a selection of fish (they're getting there though), they do keep every tank clean and as disease free as they can. The owners all have tanks of their own at home as well, so they can give you all sorts of advice on tanks setups and what kind of fish are compatible with each other.

It's quite refreshing to know that not every pet store treats fish like just another way to make money, but as living creatures who need care and attention. :nod:

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