One Of My New Bristle Noses

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
I was cleaning the tank this evening and I noticed the belly of one of my females is sunk way in.. What causes this parasites?? I havent never had this to happen be4 what do I do????The water readings is all normal 0 except nitrates and it is 10
have you seen her eating since you bought her? parasites can cause this, but most often, when introducing a new fish, they have a tough time acclimating and adjusting, and end up not eating for quite some time...there is also the possibility of her being out-competed for food...try offering some veggies or meaty foods to interest her...or, if she still won't eat, try soaking a piece of zuchinni in some water with a small clove of garlic...garlic is suppose to be an appetite enhancement, and has been known to work when having problems with plecos eating...hope everything works out :)

Could someone else please shoot me some info on these little fellows I hate to lose him after all I went through to get them....
Have you tried what Kittyfish told you? If not, really do try. I wouldn't worry about parasites, it probably is just being new to the tank. The vegetables mentioned will be eaten by most plecs, so definatly worth trying. Soaking food in garlic also weakens/kills off parasites, rather than just being an appetite enhancement

When adding veggies, try adding it in more than 1 place in the tank. It will be slightly messier when cleaning up and all, but if it is just territorial problems, it should be able to get some food from one place when the other plecs are at another.
I sould have never bought them all they do is fight. I cant believe the ladies are acting this way..

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